CS663 Computer Vision, 4 units
MV- Computer Vision by Davies, 5th edition, 2018, elseivier publishers, ISBN: 978-0-12-809284-2
IP - (required) Mastering OpenCV Android Application Programming by S. Kapur, N. Thakkar, Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (August 3, 2015),ISBN-10: 1783988207, ISBN-13: 978-1783988204
free to use by permission: CV - (required) "Computer Vision -- A modern approach" by David Forsyth and Jean Ponce, permission to use on-line draft (see outline for links)
Recommended (not Required books)
- CVA- "Computer Vision and Applications: A Guide for Students and Practitioners (With CD-ROM)" by Bernd Jahne (Editor), Horst Haussecker (Editor) (May 15, 2000) Academic Pr; ISBN: 012379777
- TF- "Hands-On Computer Vision with Tensor Flow 2" by Benjamin Planche, Eliot Andes, 2019, ISBN 1788830644
- More 1- Practical Deep Learning for Cloud and Mobile: Hands-On Computer Vision Projects Using Python, Keras & TensorFlow 1st Edition
by Anirudh Koul (Author), Siddha Ganju (Author), Meher Kasam (Author), Publisher: O'Reilly Media; 1 edition (November 4, 2019), ISBN-10: 149203486X,, ISBN-13: 978-1492034865 - More 2- "Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications", 2nd ed. © 2022 Richard Szeliski, The University of Washington (Free online)
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Grewe (<<click link for contact info)
email: lynne.grewe@csueastbay.edu
phone: 510-885-4167
CLASS MEETINGS (hybrid): 11:00am - 12:15pm In Person on Tuesdays in VBT 221 AND Thursdays on ZOOM link
OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY and THURSDAY 1:30pm-2:30pm on ZOOM (different than zoom link for class)
- if I need to move office hours you will be informed via campus emai or a canvas announcement
EQUIPMENT: You may need access to an android device with a camera. Please contact instructor if this is not possible for you ASAP. Other equipment may be necessary as determined by project and classwork.
DESCRIPTION: See Catalog. Mathematical and algorithmic approaches to the problem of computing properties of the 3-D world from one or more digital images. Imaging, image processing, feature detection, calibration, stereopsis, motion, object recognition, tracking.
OUTCOMES: Below are some of the outcomes of this course:
- Understand broad area Computer Vision
- Understand current Vision Systems.
- Ability to create proposals for systems to solve computer vision problem(s).
- Ability to create programs to solve a computer vision problem
- Use of other frameworks/libraries and/or hardware platforms for computer vision
COMPUTERS, SKILLS AND PRE-REQUISITES: The students will be asked to work on projects that require computer access outside of class time. See catalog for pre-requisites including Math 2101, Math 2304 and CS 3240 . You should also feel comfortable with using sftp, email, web-browsing, etc. Depending on frameworks and libraries used as well as equipment, the programming language you will use may change and MAY include languages like Java, C#, C++and Objective C. I expect most students if not all to have experience with Java. Other languages can be picked up along the way. All Projects are to be turned in AS DIRECTED ON THE project statement. This typically includes electronically and you may be required to produce documentation using Word or other media as directed on the website. Video demonstrations and other recordnings may be required (even fliming from your smart phone and uploading to Youtube is a quick and easy way to get a video to me). You must have your name, the date, and course name at the top of any files turned in. Access to a web-site where you can post work as requested is required. You will be given an account on a campus server to facilitate this during class.
YouTube VIDEO SUBMISSIONS Youtube videos that you share with me demonstrating your work -- the easiest way to do this is via a smart phone (most Android and iOS devices have the ability to upload the video directly to Youtube). It is your responsibilty to get a Youtube account and to understand how to post videos so that they are private only shared with people you directly invite. You can only post videos if you already have a YouTube account. Make your videos UNLISTED so anyone can access with URL but, they can not be found via search according to YouTube.
YouTube TIP: when you "upload" a video to your YouTube - you should set the type to Unlisted.
GRADING: The assignment of a grade is based on the following (tentative) formula: 70% Projects, 20% Assessment(s) and 10% Class Participation. Note this formula is for guidance only. The instructor is to use her best judgment in assigning final course grades. Attendance may be taken at random (via any in-person meetings and online contribution) and used towards class participation.
PROGRAMMING: All of your programming assignments should be done using the languages, frameworks, libraries and compiler ides as stated on the assignment statement.. Note: the allowed and required use of frameworks is good and is the industry standard of developing code now. However, I do not maintain this code (typically it is opensource or consortium of companies or individual company). As such it can have errors and problemss you may encounter and I am not responsible for those issues nor do I have the ability to fix them. As a professional programmer you need to be comfortable with uses user forums and reaching out to the community for assistance. No copying of others code is allowed.
ACCOMODATIONS: If you need disability-related accommodations in this class, please email, call, or visit me. The Student Disability Resource Center(SDRC) is the campus office responsible for verifying that students have disability-related needs for academic accommodations, and for planning appropriate accommodations in cooperation with the students themselves and their instructors. The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is located in Library Complex 2400 and can be reached by phone at (510)-885-3868. The Contra Costa SDRC can be reached by phone at (925) 602-6716.
EMERGENCY: California State University, East Bay is committed to being a safe and caring community. Your appropriate response in the event of an emergency can help save lives. Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/af/departments/risk-management/ehs/emergency-management/index.html Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis.”
LATE POLICY: Projects are due as posted on project web-pages and/or announced in class. No late work will be accepted except for a documented illness. As this course is project-based, and fast-paced you must keep up with the work and this policy will be strictly adhered to. Students may take part in the evaluations of others in addition to instructor evaluations.
COURSE LEARNING MODULES/SCHEDULE: Each week you will be going through different modules in the outline of our web-based materials. For each numbered module you will find materials including on-line lecture materials, reading assignments, links to online resources, exercises to be completed, as well as related projects. Projects ofcourse will utilize information learned in earlier modules but, are placed in a module indicating that at the completion of this module you will have the skills to complete the project. Exercises and any in-class work are important as they can help you complete a project. Each week you are to do the reading assignment, go through all the class materials on our website, do any exercise or project work assigned for that week. It is your responsibility to make this happen. Assignment/Project/Exercise deadlines are strictly adhered to. NOTE: unanticipated circumstances, including discovery of the need to spend more time mastering particular content, may require changes to the outline/syllabus. In such situations you will be notified via Canvas.
READING: I have selected books you need to purchase and a 3rd we have permission to use online. Note that there can sometimes be overlap in the different reading assignments for a topic. This is to strengthen your understanding of the topic and may help in having a different presentation of a topic. Generally, I have listed in order how I suggest you read when there are multiple readings assigned. You will notice that some weeks reading is light and others there is much more reading. This is the nature of the topics as wells as the fact there is unfortunately not one book that adequately covers all of the topics in our course.
INSTRUCTOR CONTACT: You have a number of ways to contact me including during my office hours or email. With regards to email I will attempt to check my email once a day (often I check it more times but, this is not a garauntee) during the business week (M-F). I do not make it a habit of checking email much over the weekend. Also, I will check my email M-F not necessarily at the same time each day as my schedule varries because of meetings, research activities and other courses I teach.
MODULES can include :
Introduction, Our Visual System, Creating Images
Lens, Simple Image Operations-Point
SW issues
Probability, Histograms, Color
Geometric Transformations, Linear Filters, Edge Detection
Noise and non-linear filters, some fun: morphing & warping, Image and Video Formats,
Fourier Transform, Compression, Camera Calibration (?)
Binary Image Processing, Data Structures,
Image Databases,
Remote Sensing,
3D Imaging,
Stereo Vision
CANVAS COURSE SITE ORGANIZATION - will use to post homework, grading, communications and more.
For the class's Q&A Discussion Board, to post your projects,
take assessments, get announcements, get fellow students email
addresses, check your current scores, you MUST REGULARLY log onto
our canvas website.
On the canvas site is our course menu
where you find the links to this website as well as the discussion
board, projects drop box, announcements, email, and tools.
DISCISSION BOARD: Our class's Canvas
Discussion Board Q&A is where we post our questions
from the class. Here is where you ask questions and interact with
me and other students. You are to post your questions here unless
they are of a personal nature. I check the online discussion at
least two times every week. If you can answer someone else's questions
before I can, please do so. We'll all learn from one another.
COMMUNICATION: I may use canvas announcements to notify
you of some new information. Whenever I post an announcement,
it appears at the top of the page as well as on your canvas site.
I may instead email you via canvas. It is your responsibility to check it.
EMAIL: The canvas inbox area is where you go to email me or other students in the class. For
class related questions, you can post first to the discussion
SCORES: Canvas is where you will find
your current scores. Grades are not assigned (nor estimated) until the end of the quarter after all grading is done. This typically will be sometime after the quarter has ended.
you can best reach me via email (see above), in class or in office hours. I will be communicating with you through Canvas announcements, and email (your ofifcial university email) as well as during classes.OTHER -Student Services : To access student services offered at Cal State East Bay, click on the MyCompass icon to get you to your one-stop online student support hub for information on academic advising, tutoring, financial aid, the library, the health center, technology support, career counseling, campus life, equity programs, and more. Grade Appeal and Academic Grievances: If you wish to appeal your course grade at the end of the semester or have other academic concerns related to a course, please visit the Grade Appeals and Academic Grievances (GAAG) section of the catalog, which explains the process.
We Are Muwekma Ohlone, Welcome To Our Ancestral Homeland!
Muwekma Ohlone Tribal Land Acknowledgment For Cal State University East Bay located in Hayward, CA Jalquin/Yrgin Ancestral Muwekma Ohlone Territory
Horše túuxi! (Hor-sheh troo-hee) Cal State University East Bay recognizes that it is located on the ethnohistoric territory of the Jalquin (hal-keen) / Yrgin (eer-gen), the ancestral and unceded land of the Chochenyo Ohlone-speaking People, the successors of the sovereign Verona Band of Alameda County. This land was and continues to be of great importance to the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe and other familial descendants of the Verona Band. We recognize that every member of the Hayward community has, and continues to benefit from, the use and occupation of this land, since the institution’s founding in 1957. Consistent with our values of community, inclusion, and diversity, we have a responsibility to acknowledge and make visible the university’s relationship to Native peoples. As members of the Hayward community, it is vitally important that we not only recognize the history of the land on which we stand, but also, we recognize that the Muwekma Ohlone people are alive and flourishing members of the Hayward and broader Bay Area communities today.