Project 1 Research Tutorial
(points: 200)
proposal due: Oct. 8 (note: topics are first-come first-serve)
tutorial due: Nov. 5
review of peer's tutorials due: Nov. 9
class reviewed
Your are going to create an interactive Web-based tutorial or interactive Power-Point that you will post for review by your classmates.
Proposal Submission Guidelines
Select a topic from the list presented below or choose your own vision/imaging-related topic (you must have it approved by the instructor first). Topics are given out on a first come first serve basis. The list of topics (but again you can suggest your own) will be given on a discussion board topic "Project 1 Proposals". You MUST look there and not select some topic that has already been claimed via another student's posting. I will respond to each of your postings with either approval, denial or request for more information in the proposal (pending). The proposal must contain the following information (please number them as seen here) AND IMPORTANTLY the subject title of your posting should be the title of your topic e.g. "Computer Vision for Automatic Driving".
- Title of topic (e.g. "Computer Vision for Automatic Driving")
- Author (your name)
- 1 paragraph detailing what you are going to talk about (this requires that you have done some research /reading on the subject).
- table of contents - break down the subject into sub-topics (each could be a major link on your website). For example, you might have for "Computer Vision for Automatic Driving"
- Introduction and Problem Definition
- what is the problem of automatic driving - a car outfitted with camera or other sensors (what) driving on regular roads is the ideal...but, may describe that other people have done more easy goals (driving on race course, or only on straight roads and short distances),etc. - Sensor Possibilities
- describe different sensors that people have used to solve this problem. e.g. color camera, greyscale camera, sonar, et - Finding the Road
-here describe (maybe choose 1 or a few) different techniques people have used to find the road...i.e. following the yellow or white line, or detected edge of road
-give details on image processing algorithms used to accomplish this - Success and Failures
-describe (the 1 or few you are comparing) system(s) success and where / why it (they) failed - The Challenges
-I (meaning you) will give readers some sense of what the greatest challenges are (i.e. speed of response, sensor problems with missallignment, noise from enviornment, etc).
-I will also give the results of an interview with a professor/student doing research in this field (contact one of the authors via email) - The Future and Conclusions
-I (meaning you again) will let readers know about the research labs (CMU, etc) doing research in this area and what they are currently working on (I will send and email and contact professor in charge of lab to ask about it).
- Introduction and Problem Definition
- At least 2 sources you have read (preferrably online) on the subject and used to create the paragraph.
Gettting your own idea for a topic as well as getting material to build a Proposal
Search our library (try ACM and IEEE portals listed off library library reference personnel if you do not know how to do this) and on the Internet for information, images, research, etc. on this topic. Review materials and save all references including both library materials and on-line site locations (URL) as well as create a review/summary of the information in each piece of review material. See the requirements below for the on-line tutorial and presentation components of this project.
On-line Tutorial Requirements:
- (10 points) Proposal: Adequately given proposal posted on time on discussion board.
- (10 points) Format: You must implement the tutorial as a web tutorial. That can mean using simply HTML (or Powerpoint) with supporting media or more advanced tools like Multi-Media authoring tools. Navigation should be easy. Look and Feel appropriate and engaging. It should also not take too long to load pages. Tip: think about using thumbnail images, and other techniques to allow users to be able to get the idea without having to wait for a long time and yet allow them to view the images in more detail if desired.
- (10 points) Mixed-Media: You must have a minimum of 5 pictures or diagrams illustrating the concept you are discussing. As appropriate include video or audio also. If you borrow images, you must reference in the legend where you retrieved them from. You must add voice to each of your individual web pages (not necessary for pages that only show blow-ups of images).
- (10 points) Organization: The tutorial should be organized. It SHOULD not look like a long paper simply poped-up on the web. You should have a nice intro page with an easy navigation scheme present throughout the site's pages.
- (10 points) Originality: Your writing should be original. You can NOT paraphrase large blocks of text. If you need to paraphrase smaller items, you need to refer to the article in which the text comes from and surround the text with quotes. You should keep to a bare minimum the number of times you paraphrase others words.
- (10 points) Length: Someone should be able to complete the tutorial within 30 minutes, and it should minimally take 15 minutes unassisted.
- (30 points) Level of Detail: This is a graduate level course
and as such, I expect that you will delve into your topic at a sufficient
level of detail for the audience to be able to understand how things
are implemented or created and with possible reference to other articles
(that you quote) be able to recreate or build the system(s) described.
For example:
- If you are discussing a topic that involves the development of software or algorithms, you should present a minimum of one algorithm or piece of code on the topic. You should discuss how the algorithm works and if there are alternatives compare them to others, summarizing with what you think (and others may think) are superior algorithms (and why). Also, give the user an idea when you might apply one technique over another.
- If you are discussing a topic that is hardware-based, you should discuss the various hardware options, the components of the hardware system(s), how the hardware works, the conditions under which the hardware system(s) should be used, the output format of the hardware. Discuss the limitations of the hardware and assumptions made about the working environment. Contrast and compare different hardware system(s) that may accomplish the same or similar (or different if appropriate) goals.
- (10 points) Interactivity: You are to incorporate some kind of interactive activity - either a test/ quiz (you don't have to grade it) or some kind of special video of a demonstration (you create) or a slide show (you create) ,etc.
- (5 points) Annotated Bibliography: You are required to
have links in your on-line (or powerpoint) tutorial to an annotated bibliography. You
must have a minimum of 5 different references (please note different
pages on the same web-site do NOT count). Throughout your on-line tutorial,
each time you wish to quote a reference, it should be represented by
a number that is hyper-text linked to the annotated bibliography. In
this bibliography page, you will have listed in order of appearance
(hence the numbers) your references each followed by an annotation of
the contents of the reference. Specifically, you must include not only
the title, author, date, source, but also, a sysnopsis, and a reliability
rating. For example, for the second reference you would have:
[2] "Java is Great", Lynne Grewe, PC Weekly, May, 1996., p.g. 21-33.
synopsis: this is a journal article that discusses the benefits Java brings to the programming world and contrasts it with other high-level languages.
reliablity: L. Grewe is an independent researcher and professor. PC Weekly is an popular computer industry magazine that publishes technical articles, mainly to a non-research but, technical audience.
- Publication: You should post your on-line tutorial to your ebox account. You are responsible for fully testing your tutorial.
Grading Criteria:
Your grade will be termined in part through peer review. Here is the formula:
50% of points for minimum tutorial requirements as stipulated above. Determined by instructor.
50% of points determined by your peers. The following evalution will be completed by each of the other groups and you will recieve an average of the values. The following form will be used:
REVIEW - online with shared google doc MUST be invited to share...should do this first day of class
in person in not it is your responsibility to email me before due date with your email address to get the invitation.
How to Turn in/ Deliverables
1)DUE September 29: SUBMIT PROPOSALS: submit your proposals on the Blackboard discussion board called " Project 1 - Proposals". Note that the title of your posting must be the topic of your tutorial i.e. "Automatic Driving with Color Vision"
this IS FIRST COME FIRST SERVE....meaning if a prior (by time/date) posting has taken the topic you may NOT re-use that topic.
2) DUE Oct. 28: SUBMIT ON PROJECTS Project1 LINK IN BLACKBOARD FOR INSTRUCTOR REVIEW: You must submit your tutorial on the Projects link on blackboard go then to Project 1 for it to be graded by the instructor. Instructor evaluations are worth 100 points of the 200 total.
NOTE: You must also submit on blackboard for Peer-Evaluation AND you must perform evaluation of all your fellow students.
3) Due Oct. 28: SUBMIT YOURS FOR PEER-EVALUATION: On blackboard discussion board "Project 1 - Final Tutorial" is where you will turn in Project 1 final tutorial.....As you will be looking at others tutorials, it needs to be completely accessible here via a link you provide to your tutorial. The evaluation (I will take the average of them) will serve as your score for the 100 points dedicated to the peer review part.
4)Due Nov. 6: REVIEW OTHERS On blackboard discussion board "Project 1 - Final Tutorial" is where you will find your fellow students postings of their projects. You will have a week to go through ALL your fellow classmates tutorials and give a review. This review will be available for ALL to see and we will use the online shared google doc you were invited to share first day of class. If you did not get an invitation or were not at the first day of class it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to email the instructor to ask
for an invitation.
Peer-evaluations are worth 100 points of the 200 total. This kind of peer review is something that is common place in industry is appropriate to the nature of this project. Sharing it openly makes each reviewer responsible for their review and comments. Note to give a total score from 90-100 would mean that you are giving that student an "A", 80-90 a "B" and 70-80 a "C"
and 60-70 a "D" and less than 60 an "F".
Note: if there are 25 students in class you will do 24 evaluation postings (1 for every student except yourself).
Possible Topics:
IMPORTANT: If a topic you is presented in our class materials your treatement of it must go significiantly beyond what we will be discussing
- Breast Cancer Detection
- Cyber-Physical Systems featuring cameras
- Survey of Computer Vision in Mobile Apps featuring real and detailed algorithms used.
- Biometrics featuring computer vision (can not duplicate by say choosing face recognition when someone else has choosen this) (iris detection, gate tracking, etc)--purpose of identification of persons by using camera to study person or their personal traits in some way.
- Imaging for the Visually Disabled (don't do #22--don't overlap)
- Automated Driving
- Specific Manufacturing Computer Vision Application (i.e. robot vision in assembly...get some related papers)
- Visualization in Medical Imaging (beyond what is mentioned in Project 3 option 1)
- Face Recognition
- Image Processing Web Applicaitons (key is has to have some processing not just have an image/video for display)
- Data Fusion and Disaster Recovery
- Image Databases
- Games and Gesture Recognition (camera used as input to games...i.e. gestures but, could be whole body movement).
- Computer Vision based Personnel Detection (overlap with #4)
- Imaging Special Effects (must be very specific here)
- Robot Vision (again try to be mobile robot navigation with computer vision)
- Computer Vision in Manufacturing (featuring inspection)
- Computer Vision in agriculture (not including remote sensing)
- Remote Sensing (applications include agriculture, oil exploration, space exploration, etc)
- Medical Image Process (be specific like #1...i.e. computer vision assisted surgery)
- Mobile Image Processing Applications (be very specific and MUST give detailed algorithms and code...not just discuss the specific in your title)
- Medical Implants (chips) for Human Eye (go into detail about the sensors,etc).
- Airport Security Scanning and Detction(go into specifics of sensors and algorithms used to detect liquids/bombs/etc).
- Airplane (or helicopter) Automated (or semi-automated) Vision Systems
- There are many specific papers on Vision Recognition, Image Processing - all levels of Computer Vision that you may want to feature as your tutorial topic.
IMPORTANT: If a topic you is presented in our class materials your treatement of it must go significiantly beyond what we will be discussing