Unix User Tips
Below is a list of commonly used commands that you will need to know to navigate around the a Unix file system. These are command line statements that you type into a Unix shell.
Change Directory | cd directoryname cd .. (takes you up one level) cd (takes you to your home directory) |
File Listing | ls ls -l (details) ls -al (more details) |
Create a Directory | mkdir directoryname |
Copying and renaming files | cp original_file copy_of_file mv original_filename new_filename |
Path and finding programs | printenv (shows PATH and other env variables) which program_name (searches for a program) |
Process control | ps (show your running processes) kill -9 <processID>where processID is listed in the output of the ps command ps -ef (shows ALL running processes) |
Display Files on Screen | more filename(lists one screen-full at a time) cat filename(lists entire file at one time) |
Re-directing screen output the " | " pipe symbol | Use to redirect the output command1 | command2Takes output from command1 and passes it to command2!!! Example to control, limit the ammount of information displayed on the screen to a page at a time cat filename | moreThis will cat the file so see one screen-full at a time |
Searching for a String in a File | grep "string" filenameThis will look for string in the file filename. |
Change File Mode | chmod a+X filename(see man or help of chmod for options) chmod 755 filename(this makes it rwxr_xr_x , see man or hgelp of chmod for more details on numerically specifying permission) |
FTP | ftp hostnamethen use put and get protocols to transfer files |