Tensorflow w/Keras
- Tensorflow resources
- VIDEO -explaining an older version of Android Tensorflow example found here in mobile examples
- Using Tensorboard(try the colab work on the getting started): First Video Intro, Second Video Intro, Whats new in latest version Video
- MY Tips on Tensorboard
- Set of Examples from Google can clone/download
- Tensorflow w/Keras Beginng example
- Tensorflow 2 Keras Image CNN Google example AND Go Over these Google examples:
- Tensorflow 2 (featuring Keras) CODE snippets
- Tensorflow 2 w/Keras - Checkpoints, Save&Load Model & Convert to mobile TFLite(from python)
- ABOUT: document on retraining with Object Detection API on Tensorflow 2+
- Comparing MobileNet on normal TensorFlow verus TFLite - try for fun
- Another TF w/Keras CNN Model example
- Tensorflow TFLite AND Android AND Watch video on TFLite
- Android and Object Detection Example Explained
- Google list of examples (some vision some not) --caution make sure they are up to date
- visualize tflite file (try on own --I have not used this)
- Special Considerations:
- Google AI Platform - currently supported versions of Tensorflow
A Word about Data
Desktop Python + OpenCV + Tensorflow w/Keras Live Video Capture&Prediction with options for webcam or IP Camera