COURSE: SW Engineering of Web-Based Systems, CS651, 4 units TEXT BOOKs: "Web Technologies A Computer Science Perspective", by. J. Jackson, Prentice Hall, 2007, ISBN 0-13-185603-0
"Programming Google App Engine: Build and Run Scalable Web Apps on Google's Infrastructure", 2nd Edition, by. Dan Sanderson, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4493-9826-2 AVAILABLE online for free through OReilly index on
"Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node, Second Edition" by Clive harber, Simon Holmes, Manning publications, 2019, ISBN: 9781617294754 AVAILABLE online for free through O'Reilly index on [NOTE: currently there is also a video edition available for free]
Pro HTML5 with CSS, JavaScript, and Multimedia: Complete Website Development and Best Practices by Mark Collins, Apress Publisher, 2017, ISBN 978-1-4842-2462-5, AVAILABLE online for free through O'Reilly index on [
*** NOTE: on free O'Reilly books, I do not control how long a book remains available on the index (think how movies change on Netflix) I have never yet had a situation where a book has gone away mid-term but, this is possible and in this case you will be reponsible for purchasing the book.
REFERENCE TEXT BOOKs: (not required) Building Google Cloud Platform Solutions: Develop scalable applications from scratch and make them globally available in almost any language - by by Ted Hunter (Author), Steven Porter (Author), Legorie Rajan PS (Author), packt publishers, 2019, ISBN-10: 1838647430
INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Grewe , email: phone: 510-885-4167
OFFICE HOURS: TUESDAY and THURSDAY 11:45am-12:45pm on ZOOM (different than zoom link for class)
DESCRIPTION: See Catalog: Current practices and trends in software design, development, and deployment of web-based systems, with particular emphasis on e-commerce. Projects include the latest technologies and techniques used by the Internet community.
OUTCOMES: Below are some of the outcomes of this course:
AWS Learning Labs Rules:
COMPUTERS, SKILLS AND PRE-REQUISITES: The students will be asked to work on projects that require computer access outside of class time. See catalog for pre-requisites and you should consider yourself a good Programmer and have basic communication skills of using email, ftp, telnet/ssh, and usage of mutliple operating systems including Windows and Unix.
YouTube VIDEO SUBMISSIONS Youtube videos that you share with me demonstrating your work -- the easiest way to do this is via zoom or a a smart phone. It is your responsibilty to get a Youtube account and to understand how to post videos so that they are private only shared with people you directly invite. You can only post videos if you already have a YouTube account. I want unlisted videos --if you need to have it be something else you must discuss this with me and gain approval.
GENERAL GUIDELINES: Assignments turned in AS DIRECTED ON THE assignment statement and/or announcement. You must have your name, the date, and the course name at the top of the first page of ALL documents submitted. SEE LATE POLICY BELOW. Make sure your work is neat and legible (do spell check!). You will be expected to maintain a high degree of responsibility and preparedness including reading material beyond what is covered in the lectures and participating actively in class discussions. I will be available during office hours if you have any questions or concerns. Please try to visit me during office hours. Assessment will be during a scheduled time either (to be determined by instructor choice) the same as the scheduled class time or during finals. You will be notified how this will work later in the term.
By enrolling in this class the student agrees to uphold the standards of academic integrity described at policies/academic-dishonesty.html.”California State University, East Bay is committed to being a safe and caring community. Your appropriate response in the event of an emergency can help save lives. Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: management/index.html Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis. Note on Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (DHR) Title IX and CSU policy prohibit discrimination, harassment and retaliation, including Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment or Sexual Violence. CSUEB encourages anyone experiencing such behavior to report their concerns immediately. CSUEB has both confidential and non-confidential resources and reporting options available to you. Non-confidential resources include faculty and staff, who are required to report all incidents and thus cannot promise confidentiality. Faculty and staff must provide the campus Title IX coordinator and or the DHR Administrator with relevant details such as the names of those involved in an incident. For confidential services, contact the Confidential Advocate at 510-885-3700 or go to the Student Health and Counseling Center. For 24-hour crisis services call the BAWAR hotline at 510-845-7273. For more information about policies and resources or reporting options, please visit the following websites:
GRADING: The assignment of a grade is based on the following (tentative) formula: 70% CourseWork (projects,etc), 25% Assessments/Exams and 5% Class Participation. Note this formula is for guidance only. The instructor is to use her best judgment in assigning final course grades.
EXERCISES: Any exercises assigned are meant for you to learn the material. You are welcome to get help from me and others (but, you MUST DO BY YOURSELF) but, the work must be ONLY yours (unless it explicitly says group work in the description). The exercise must be fully working to recieve full points, otherwise you get 0 on that exercise.
ACCOMODATIONS: If you need disability-related accommodations in this class, please email, call, or visit me. The Student Disability Resource Center(SDRC) is the campus office responsible for verifying that students have disability-related needs for academic accommodations, and for planning appropriate accommodations in cooperation with the students themselves and their instructors. The Student Disability Resource Center (SDRC) is located in Library Complex 2400 and can be reached by phone at (510)-885-3868. The Contra Costa SDRC can be reached by phone at (925) 602-6716.
EMERGENCY: California State University, East Bay is committed to being a safe and caring community. Your appropriate response in the event of an emergency can help save lives. Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis.”
LATE POLICY: Projects are due as announced in class. No late work will be accepted except for a documented illness. As this course is project-based, and fast-paced you must keep up with the work and this policy will be strictly adhered to. Students may take part in the evaluations of others in addition to instructor evaluations.
COURSE LEARNING MODULES: Each week you will be going through different modules in the outline of our web-based materials. For each numbered module you will find materials including on-line lecture materials, reading assignments, links to online resources, exercises to be completed, as well as related projects. Projects ofcourse will utilize information learned in earlier modules but, are placed in a module indicating that at the completion of this module you will have the skills to complete the project. Exercises are important as they can help you complete a project. Sometimes exercises have solutions and at other times, they do not.
CANVAS COURSE SITE - will use to post homework, grading, communications and more.COMMUNICATING WITH THE INSTRUCTOR -you can best reach me via email (see above), in class or in office hours. I will be communicating with you through Canvas announcements, and email (your ofifcial university email) as well as during classes.OTHER -Student Services : To access student services offered at Cal State East Bay, click on the MyCompass icon to get you to your one-stop online student support hub for information on academic advising, tutoring, financial aid, the library, the health center, technology support, career counseling, campus life, equity programs, and more. Grade Appeal and Academic Grievances: If you wish to appeal your course grade at the end of the semester or have other academic concerns related to a course, please visit the Grade Appeals and Academic Grievances (GAAG) section of the catalog, which explains the process.