Facebook Apps ---what are they
- Applications that can be registered with Facebook and have Facebook Login and access to Facebook SDK and Graph API (These are called Canvas apps)
- Application runs on your server(s).
- Is a "web app" -- can be implemented in many languages including:
- Java, Python, PHP and other languages etc.
- Output of any "web app" is HTML, JavaScript, CSS, with call backs (via links, form buttons, etc) to your "web app"
- FacebookAPIs Provided Features you may find useful to include in application
Registering your Facebook Application
Facebook Applications -- How to Engage your User using "Social Channels"
Facebook Login User Authentication
Social Information - the Graph API
Newsfeed stories/ Messages
The News Feed is shown immediately to users upon logging into Facebook
- User's Timeline shows user's top game activity over a given period of time.
- Also shows as top scores and achievements
- Apps categorized as 'Games' can publish stories using Open Graph built-ins for achievements and scores. ONLY shown to users
- achievements API = can publish stories about the user and their friends achieving a set of achievements defineed for your app.
- scores API = can publish stories about the user and their friends passing each others' scores in your app as well as High Score stories when the user earns a new high score.
- User needs to grant app publish_actions permission before you can publish a user's scores and achievements.