Project 1 - Simple Site Created 2 ways on AWS
180 points
Due dates - March 6, start of class
INDIVIDUAL or GROUP Work - YOUR choice to work individually or in a group but, the requirements are the same.
Project Description & Requirements
Goals of this Project
You will create a simple static website that implements the main home page, about and contact us page 2 different ways on AWS (cloud). The website should be for a startup company dealing in Computer Vision and ML technologies (you come up with the idea of what the company produces but, see project 2 for how your webpage project 2 could be a feature on this website).
PART 1 - Create static content
- using HTML, CSS and Javascript (Bootstrap --learn on own) - you are to create a Home Page, About and Contact page.
- JavaScript should be used for minimum 2 interactions. One must be to realign the menu when changing scale of the viewed web content (think browser to mobile) using Bootstrap as one. The other you must propose to the instructor before doing.
- Images and graphics are required on ALL of the pages you create.
- CSS style must be present on EACH of your pages to create an interesting design that uses the CSS box model. You must have minimally one div/span area that floats to right/bottom.
PART 2 - Implementing via AWS EC2
You are to setup an EC2 instance, and install Apache Webserve. Then upload all of the content. See Amazon documentation on how to do this (or search web for your own informaiton)
SPECIAL ISSUE 1 You must SOLVE---what happens when an instance stops running
SPECIAL ISSUE 2 SOLVE---what happens when reboot instance& what can you do?
PART 3 - Implementing via AWS S3
You are to re-implement your site by deploying to AWS S3.. See Amazon documentation on how to do this (or search web for your own informaiton)
Be prepared to discuss in class both Part 1 and Part 2 and what are the advantages and disadvantages of Part 2 and Part 3 approaches.
Evaluation Guidelines
See rubric on Canvas
- Turn in Deployed wesite URLs AND GitHub repository URLs for both Part 2 and 3 to Canvas ->Assignments -> Project 1 (see due date and time at top). Wiki on each repository should be created as specified including all specified media and links to youtube as specified.
- Discussion in class (must be present when discussed during class)