CS3340:  Intro OOP and Design

Exercise - Create Java Application
due: September 29 in class (not graded)


You are to create a project using Eclipse IDE (which you must download to your laptop). Create the code to fulfill the requirements below. Zip up your project folder and demo to your instructor the unzipping of this code and running from this new unzipped folder in your development IDE. Note - you will be zipping up your code in this fashion for turning in work and this is your chance to proove you can do this step..

Create a Main Application Class called AddressBookApplication (a counsole application is fine).

It should Contain a Class called Menu that contains the following methods which print out to standard output a prompt asking for information related to entering in an AddressEntry (see Project 1).


  • prompt_FirstName();
  • prompt_LastName();
  • prompt_Street();
  • prompt_City();
  • prompt_State();
  • prompt_Zip();
  • prompt_Telephone()
  • prompt_Email();

Create some code in the main method of your Application class that calls of of the prompt_* methods which generate strings and prints them out to the Standard Console Window. For example, using this method


we would get a result to the standard output of:

First Name:

Some Starting code for our 2 classes AddressBookApplication and Menu

The Process

because this is your first exercise I am going to give you more guidance than I normally will ---here are the steps I suggest you follow.

Step 1 : Using Eclipse (see here for help) create a project called AddressBookApplication and set the main application class to the name AddressBookApplication

Step 2 : Compile and run ---nothing really will happen but, should run

Step 3 : Create a new class in the src folder of your project called Menu.java and copy the partial code of Menu.java from the starting code I have given you.

Step 4 : Compile and run --still nothing new happens as your AddressBookApplication's main method does nothing

Step 5 : Edit the main method of the AddressBookApplication class to look like what is shown in the starting code I have given you.

Step 6 : Compile and run --now you should see the first prompt method output something to the standard output

Step 7 : Edit both your Menu class to complete the requirements above. Also, edit the main method of the AddressBookApplication class to call ALL of the Menu's static prompt methods. Compile and Run.


not turned in --but, this is important to do as it helps you with project.


© Lynne Grewe