CS6320:  SW Engineering of Web Based Systems


Apple University Agreement

(you will need login as president/provost has signed license agreement - contact Alan Monat if you have questions..... I am the main technical contact. Information about the program can be found at http://developer.apple.com/programs/ios/university/) (login= lgrewe, password = csuebapple) ....follow directions at https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action . You need to make sure you get the download for the iOS. When you install should include the iOS SDK as well as the Xcode IDE, performance analysis tools, iPhone and iPad simulators and OS framework bundles in the form of Mac OS X SDKs and iOS SDKs



How can a Student participate in the iOS Developer University Program?

All Program participants must first register as Apple Developers (go to http://developer.apple.com to do this). Students can then be invited by their Course Instructor to join a team. During the invitation acceptance process, students are required to review and agree to the iOS Developer Program Student Agreement prior to becoming an active member of the team.



© Lynne Grewe