CS1160:   Introduction to Computer Science I


Various Objective-C keywords

Keyword Meaning
super parent class
self like "this" in other languages, means this class
@ indicates an annotation
+ (void) method(***) {}

+ means this is a class method in a class

Invoke it on the class directly ---- this is like static method in other languages

[class method]

- (void) method(***) {}

- means this is an instance method in a class

Invoke it on an OBJECT/Instance of the class

[object method]

nill like null or NULL in other languages
@property var

declaring that we want to create "accessor" methods for
class variable var

setVar(x) will be created
Var() will be created--get

@property (a1,a2,*) var

attributes like: nonatomic, readwrite, strong can go here

nonatomic / atomic

Property value , dealing with threading

nonatomic = (YOU USE THIS)

nonatomic means its not thread-safe.

NOTE: no problem if this is UI code because all UI code happens on the main thread of the application.

atomic = (dont do this for iOS)

default value, means thread safe


Property value



default value, declares both a setter and a getter.

readonly =

means only create setter method.


Property value , dealing with memory managment

assign= used for variables that are primitive data types (like int, float)

weak= means a weak reference to object stored in variable (see ARC memory management documentation online)


strong = means a stron reference to object stored in variable (see ARC memory management online)

copy = means make a copy of any value used to set the variable and assigns this... in essence this will become the setter method for the variable Var

  • -(void) setVar:(type *) s
    { var = [s copy]; }






Inside the .m file where you define methods -- autogenerates the methods

setVar(*) and Var() the setter and getter methods when declared in .h file using @property

NOTE: the setVar(x) method autogenerated only sets the class var to the value x

@interface ClassName Start of defining a class in .h file
@implementation ClassName Start of creating implementation of a class in .m file
@end End of a class definition in either .h or .m file
String Formatting (used in printf() and NSLog())

%d = int

%f = float

%c = char



Latest version of Objective-C uses Automatic
Reference Counting
   (kind of like automatic garbage collection)

----to handle getting rid of not needed items in memory (avoiding
memory leaks).    YEAH!   AUTOMATIC! 

   -----like Java this way

@autoreleasepool   in a needed annotation around your main
block of code to “enable” this




© Lynne Grewe