CS4521:   Mobile and Topics in Web Programming


Mobile Apps and Backends

What if your app needs a backend system?  What do I mean backend system?  Here is a scenario where a mobile app needs to do some backend computations and transactions

Backend systems may include (minimally)

  • server-side code  (you could have any language here) --this is typically a web server-side program (using CGI and HTTP)

  • database /data solutions (this may be a traditional database like MySQL or Oracle or more elaborate Data Distributed solutions)

Skills to do backend systems

  • You need to know server side programming

  • You need to understand database/data solutions and how to connect to them via code

  • NOTE: you can take CS3520 and CS6320 to get these skills

Where can you do it


  1. OPTION 1: or this class only (not for a deployed application) I can get you an account on a PhP server and an Oracle server --but, they are shared and there can be issues with down time

  2. OPTION 2: you can go to a hosted solution (pay for it)

  3. OPTION 3: you can go cloud BAAS options(and there are some free tiers --you need to check those out)

  • If you go with option  2 or 3 you are repsonsible for any setup and fees involved not me.

Tips/Tutorials (search for your own) on Android and differnet Backends

Here is an even bigger picture of the way things look today --including Mobile and Desktop ->Backend <- Internet of Things

© Lynne Grewe