GIT and SW Versioning
GIT = is a distributed revision control system for software.
there are a number of free resources to use GIT and host remotely your code - GitHub and Bitbucket are popular
you can also buy commercial versions
The concept
you have code on your local development machine (local git repository) that you can create versions of and commit to a remote Git repository.
repository = a location storing and mantaining versioned code
another view
very useful --what if something is wrong in the code --you can revert (ROLLBACK) to a previous version
Three roles/states of GIT
The HEAD (master)
last commit snapshot, pointer to the current branch
The Index
proposed next commit snapshot
The Working Directory
sandbox (local machine)
Common operations/ nominclature
<< some operations in GIT
operations for submitting or getting code to/from repository
commit = the code is read to submit to repository
push = pushes it to remote repository
pull = gets current code from remote repository
merge = if you are trying to push code that has been pushed more recently than you pulled it by another person -- the Git system will ask you to merge the files and clean up any descrepencies. ALSO - can be used to merge branch into master.
scenario - you and Jill pull down the current code and you are both working on a file called Jill pushes her changed code first. Then you try to push your code??? you could have changed the code in the same place --what is the system to do. You need to go through the process of merging the code and figuring out what conflicts might exist
operations for undoing/reverting to previous code
checkout = if you want to revert to a previous version BEFORE you have commited any changes
revert = if you want to undo a certain commit
Sometimes you'll want to undo a certain commit. E.g. when you notice that your changes were wrong, when you introduced a bug, or simply when the customer has decided he doesn't want this anymore
reset = if you want to go to a previous version but, not remove the commits ---basically it resets the HEAD(master) to an older branch