How to install Eclipse's GUI development tool WindowBuilder
install summary:
AND select the verison for YOUR Eclipse ===> NOTE you will get a URL you will use in step 2

type in URL for windowbuilder (see official website WindowBuilder website)--example for Eclipse version Neon - (YOU GOT THIS IN STEP 1)
Select EVERYTHING to install as shown below ---follow directions and accept license/terms of use

How to use Elcipse's GUI developement tool WindowBuilder
Eclipse video for GUI development which uses the pluggin WindowBuilder (drag and drop GUI builder tool)
TO USE: steps summary:
1) create new project.
2) right click in src folder say "New->Other->WindowBuilder->SwingDesigner->ApplicationWindow" --this will create main application class that launches a JFrame class instance

3) now drag and drop in DESIGN interface

Now I am going to run the application with the JFrame that contains the button (I labeled Enter)
