- package = javax.swing.*
- JComponent parent (compared to Component)
- J* = name of many classes in this package, e.g. JApplet, Jbutton,
JFrame, etc.
- extends java.awt --
AWT relies on natve peers.....looks different on each O.S.
AWT's widgets do not have full functionality that reflecting
todays possibilities
- supports pluggable look and feel for component
- allows you to create you own look and feel that is different
than the O.S specific look you get with awt.
- supports "tooltip" = like rollover message
- supports authoscrolling, etc.
- not all browsers have this package
as a default....may have to download.

JCheckboxMenuItem |

JColorChooser |

ImageIcon |

JMenuBar |

JTabbedPane |

JTable |