Message Facade Pattern
Consider wanting to make an Airline Reservation. The client would
need to have the system check the airline for availability and
seating. This can involve a number of steps as outlined below.
If the client had to request each and wait for a response this
could be too long for most users to sit may loose
a customer.

- Client does not need immediate why make client
wait for responses.
A Solution.....the Message Facade Pattern

- Now have 1 network request to a Message Facade code (ReserveSeatMDB
message-driven EJB)
- Bundle all of the business logic in a seperated Message Facade
code (ReserveSeatMDB message-driven EJB)
- Do not wait on response:
1) Client creates a Java Message Service (JMS) message and passes
the necessary parameter.
2) Client sends this message to a JMS destination created for
the Reserve Seat use case
3) Upon receiving the message at the destination, the client is
4)The server has a "message-driven bean container" that will attempt
to pass the message to the next avaialbe ReserveSeat message-driven
bean. If all of these are busy the JMS server should wait until
the next one becomes availab.e
5) When a RerserveSeat MDB becomes available, the container will
execute the onMessage() method.
QUESTION: How do we get a response from a Message-Driven class
like our ReserveSeat MDB?
- Send email to user/client.
- Have client application poll using some unique ID to check the
staus of their request.
Synopsis: Message Facade
Name: Message Facade
A client wants to invoke the methods of multiple programs
within the context of one use case and does not require
an immediate response from the server.
Problem (forces)
How can a client invoke methods of multiple classes within
one transaction, without the need to block and wait for
responses from each?
Use message-driven classes (beans) to create a fault-tolerant,
asynchronous facade. Clients should have access to message-driven
classes (beans) only, not the underlying data layer, business
logic (entity and session beans).
Related Patterns
Session Facade.
No direct response. (some possbilities with
JMS as transport mechanism...see advanced book on EJB).
Message-Drive code does not throw exceptions
back to clients.