CRC Modeling
CRC = Class Responsibility Collaborator
CRC Modeling =
analyze own needs with:
- brainstorming (collect), process, organize, review, build CRC Model
- Subject Matter Expert/ Domain Experts

Assigning Collaborations
Identify relationships among classes
- Each class is specialist in some set of knowledge and
- Classes must cooperate to accomplish nontrivial tasks
- Thus collaborations between classes are important
Pair collaborations with responsibilities on CRC card |
Use scenario-based role-play
to find and/or test these collaborations
- Scenario is a system behavior and sequence of system events
to realize it
- Simulating execution enables team to discover responsibilities
and collaborations and/or check correctness of those already
Add collaborations when relationships found
- Identify clients and servers
Server -- class that provides a resource
Client -- class that uses a resource
Server is collaborator of client, not vice versa
ATM example: In a withdrawal
operation, Account is a client of the Withdrawal class
- Identify hierarchies of classes
ATM example: Transaction as
superclass of Withdrawal, Deposit, etc.