import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.*; import*; /** * A demo program that manipulates colors of individual pixels in * a BufferedImage. The program lets the user draw using some basic * shapes. The user can also load an image from a file; the loaded * image is scaled to exactly fill the panel. A copy of the panel * content is stored in a BufferedImage. The user can apply "filters" * such as "Blur" to the image. The filter is computed by hand, using * the RGB color data in the BufferedImage. There is also a "Smudge" * tool that the user can drag on the image to spread color around like * wet paint; it works with the pixel data from the BufferedImage. */ public class JavaPixelManipulation extends JPanel { /** * The main routine simply opens a window that shows a JavaPixelManipulation panel. * The window is fixed size, and the size is set to allow the panel to have its * preferred size. */ public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame window = new JFrame("Java Paint Demo"); JavaPixelManipulation content = new JavaPixelManipulation(); window.setContentPane(content); window.setJMenuBar(content.getMenuBar()); window.pack(); window.setResizable(false); Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); window.setLocation( (screenSize.width - window.getWidth())/2, (screenSize.height - window.getHeight())/2 ); window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ); window.setVisible(true); } private BufferedImage OSC; // Stores a copy of the panel content. private Graphics2D OSG; // Graphics context for drawing to OSC/ private String tool = "Sketch"; // Identifies the current drawing tool. private Color color = Color.BLACK; // The current drawing color. private BasicStroke stroke; // The current stroke, used for lines and curves. private Image saveLoadedImage = null; // Keeps a copy of the last loaded image, // for convenience. A "Reload Image" menu // item will load the same image. private JMenuItem reloadImageMenuItem; // The "Reload Image" menu item. private String dragShape = null; // When non-null, the user is dragging with // the Oval, Rectangle, or Line tool. The // current shape is drawn in paintComponent() // over the BufferedImage. The shape is only // added to the image when the drag action ends. private int dragStartX, dragStartY; // Start point of drag for use with dragShape. private int dragCurrentX, dragCurrentY; // Current mouse position for use with dragShape. private double[][] smudgeRed, smudgeBlue, smudgeGreen; // Data used by "Smudge" tool. /** * The constructor sets the preferred size of the panel, creates the BufferedImage, * and installs a mouse listener on the panel to implement drawing actions. */ public JavaPixelManipulation() { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(640,480)); OSC = new BufferedImage(640,480,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); OSG = OSC.createGraphics(); OSG.setColor(Color.WHITE); OSG.fillRect(0,0,640,480); OSG.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); stroke = new BasicStroke(5, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); smudgeRed = new double[7][7]; smudgeBlue = new double[7][7]; smudgeGreen = new double[7][7]; addMouseListener( new MouseHandler() ); // nested class MouseHandler is defined below. } /** * The paintComponent() copies the BufferedImage to the screen. If the user is dragging * with the "Line", "Rectangle", or "Oval" tool, the shape is drawn over the image from * the BufferedImage. */ protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { g.drawImage(OSC,0,0,null); if (dragShape != null) { Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g.create(); g2.setStroke( stroke ); g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); putShape(g2,dragShape,dragStartX,dragStartY,dragCurrentX,dragCurrentY,false); } } /** * For drawing the Line, Rectangle, or OvalShape defined by the two points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2). * If the repaint parameter is true, then the panel's repaint() method is called for a rectangle * that contains the shape. When this method is used to draw to the BufferedImage, repaint is * true, so that the change to the BufferedImage will also be shown on the screen. When it * is called to draw the dragShape in paintComponent(), repaint is false. */ private void putShape(Graphics2D g, String shape, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, boolean repaint) { int x = Math.min(x1,x2); int y = Math.min(y1,y2); int w = Math.abs(x1-x2); int h = Math.abs(y1-y2); g.setColor(color); g.setStroke(stroke); switch (shape) { case "Line": g.drawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2); break; case "Rectangle": g.fillRect(x,y,w,h); break; case "Oval": g.fillOval(x,y,w,h); break; } if (repaint) { repaint(x-13,y-13,w+26,h+26); // large enough to contain widest stroke } } /** * Apply the "Smudge" or "Erase" tool at the point (x,y) */ private void applyTool(String tool, int x, int y) { if (tool.equals("Erase")) { // Clear a 10-by-10 square, centered at (x,y). OSG.setColor(Color.WHITE); OSG.fillRect(x-5,y-5,10,10); // Erase the sqaure in the BufferedImage. repaint(x-5,y-5,10,10); // Make change visible on the screen. } else { // For the "Smudge" tool, mix some of the "paint" on the tool with the image, // in a 7-by-7 square centered at x,y. swapSmudgeData(x, y); repaint(x-4,y-4,8,8); // Make change visible on the screen. } } /** * Copy pixel colors from a 7-by-7 square centered at (x,y) into the * smudge data arrays. The color components are separated into their * red, green, and blue components, which are stored in separate arrays. * The values are stored as type double, not int, since they will be * used in averaging calculations that require real arithmetic. * This method is called at the point where the user starts a drag * operation with the "Smudge" tool. */ private void grabSmudgeData(int x, int y) { int w = OSC.getWidth(); int h = OSC.getHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { int r = y + j - 3; int c = x + i - 3; if (r < 0 || r >= h || c < 0 || c >= w) { // A -1 in the smudgeRed array indicates that the // corresponding pixel was outside the canvas. smudgeRed[i][j] = -1; } else { int color = OSC.getRGB(c,r); smudgeRed[i][j] = (color >> 16) & 0xFF; smudgeGreen[i][j] = (color >> 8) & 0xFF; smudgeBlue[i][j] = color & 0xFF; } } } } /** * Swap some of the color stored in the smudge data arrays with * color in a 7-by-7 square centered at (x,y) in the BufferedImage. * That is, the color values in the arrays are replaced by a weighted * average of the color values in the arrays and the color values in * the image. At the same time, the color values in the image are * replaced by a weighted average of the color values in the image * and the color values in the arrays. This method is called at * each point along the path that the mouse visits as the user * drags the "Smudge" tool. */ private void swapSmudgeData(int x, int y) { int w = OSC.getWidth(); int h = OSC.getHeight(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { // row number in the smudge data arrays int c = x + i - 3; // column number (x-coord) of a pixel in the image. for (int j = 0; j < 7; j++) { // column number in the smudge data arrays int r = y + j - 3; // row number (y-coord) of a pixel in the image if ( ! (r < 0 || r >= h || c < 0 || c >= w || smudgeRed[i][j] == -1) ) { int curCol = OSC.getRGB(c,r); // Current color of the pixel in the image. int curRed = (curCol >> 16) & 0xFF; // RGB components from image int curGreen = (curCol >> 8) & 0xFF; int curBlue = curCol & 0xFF; int newRed = (int)(curRed*0.7 + smudgeRed[i][j]*0.3); // New RGB's for image. int newGreen = (int)(curGreen*0.7 + smudgeGreen[i][j]*0.3); int newBlue = (int)(curBlue*0.7 + smudgeBlue[i][j]*0.3); int newCol = newRed << 16 | newGreen << 8 | newBlue; OSC.setRGB(c,r,newCol); // Replace the color of the pixel in the image. smudgeRed[i][j] = curRed*0.3 + smudgeRed[i][j]*0.7; // New RGBs for smudge arrays smudgeGreen[i][j] = curGreen*0.3 + smudgeGreen[i][j]*0.7; smudgeBlue[i][j] = curBlue*0.3 + smudgeBlue[i][j]*0.7; } } } } /** * For the "Smudge" and "Erase" tools, apply the tool to every point along the * line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2). This is called each time the mouse moves as * the user drags the tool. */ private void applyToolAlongLine(String tool, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if (Math.abs(x1-x2) >= Math.abs(y1-y2)) { // Horizontal distance is greater than vertical distance. Apply the // tool once for each x-value between x1 and x2, computing the // y-value for each x-value from the equation of a line. double slope = (double)(y2-y1)/(x2-x1); if (x1 <= x2) { // Increment up from x1 to x2. for (int x = x1; x <= x2; x++) { int y = (int)(y1 + slope*(x-x1) + 0.5); applyTool(tool,x,y); } } else { // Decrement down from x1 to x2 for (int x = x1; x >= x2; x--) { int y = (int)(y1 + slope*(x-x1) + 0.5); applyTool(tool,x,y); } } } else { // Vertical distance is greater than horizontal distance. Apply the // tool once for each y-value between y1 and y2, computing the // x-value for each y-value from the equation of a line. double slope = (double)(x2-x1)/(y2-y1); if (y1 <= y2) { // Increment up from y1 to y2. for (int y = y1; y <= y2; y++) { int x = (int)(x1 + slope*(y-y1) + 0.5); applyTool(tool,x,y); } } else { // Decrement down from y1 to y2. for (int y = y1; y >= y2; y--) { int x = (int)(x1 + slope*(y-y1) + 0.5); applyTool(tool,x,y); } } } } /** * Defines the mouse listener object that responds to user mouse actions on * the panel. */ private class MouseHandler extends MouseAdapter { boolean dragging = false; // Set to true if a dragging operation is in progress. int startX, startY; // The point at which the drag action started. int prevX, prevY; // The location of the mouse the previous time mousePressed // or mouseDragged was called. public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) { if (dragging) return; // There is already a mouse drag in progress; don't try to start a new one. dragging = true; startX = prevX = evt.getX(); startY = prevY = evt.getY(); if (tool.equals("Line") || tool.equals("Oval") || tool.equals("Rectangle")) { dragShape = tool; // Tells paintComponent about the drag action. dragStartX = startX; dragStartY = startY; } else if (tool.equals("Erase")) { applyTool("Erase",startX,startY); // Erase a square around the starting point. } else if (tool.equals("Smudge")) { grabSmudgeData(startX,startY); // Get data from the image that is needed for the Smudge tool. } addMouseMotionListener(this); // Monitor mouse moves during the drag operation. } public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) { if (!dragging) return; int x = evt.getX(); int y = evt.getY(); if (tool.equals("Line") || tool.equals("Oval") || tool.equals("Rectangle")) { dragCurrentX = x; dragCurrentY = y; repaint(); // paintComponent() will draw the current shape on top of the image content. } else if (tool.equals("Sketch")) putShape(OSG, "Line", prevX, prevY, x, y, true); // Draw line segment directly in BufferedImage. else applyToolAlongLine(tool,prevX,prevY,x,y); // For Smudge and Erase tools. prevX = x; prevY = y; } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent evt) { if (!dragging) return; removeMouseMotionListener(this); // Stop monitoring mouse motions, since drag is ending. dragging = false; dragShape = null; // paintComponent will no longer draw the extra shape if (tool.equals("Line") || tool.equals("Oval") || tool.equals("Rectangle")) { putShape(OSG, tool, startX, startY, prevX, prevY, true); // add shape to BufferedImage repaint(); // should be unnecessary; just to be sure that the panel shows the right thing. } } } /** * Apply one of the image filters from the "Filter" menu to the BufferedImage, and * copy the result to the screen. A filters is implemented as a "convolution" with * 3-by-3 arrays. That is, the RGB components of each pixel in the image is replaced * with a weighted average of the RGB components of the pixels in a 3-by-3 square. * The weighting factors are given by the convolution array. For example, for the * "Blur" filter, all the weight factors in the array are equal, and the filter is * just a simple averaging operation. (To make things easy on myself, I don't change * the colors of the pixels along the border of the image; this lets me assume that * when I work on a pixel, the 3-by-3 square centerd at that pixel is entirely within * the image.) The filter must be one of the strings form the "Filter" menu. */ private void applyFilter(String filter) { int w = OSC.getWidth(); int h = OSC.getHeight(); double[] filterArray = null; // The convolution array for the filter. int[] rgbArray = new int[ w*h ]; // An array to hold the RGB colors of the entire image. OSC.getRGB(0, 0, w, h, rgbArray, 0, w); // Grab the RGB color data from the image. double v; switch (filter) { case "Blur": v = 1.0/9.0; filterArray = new double[] { v,v,v, v,v,v, v,v,v }; break; case "Sharpen": v = 1.0/3.0; filterArray = new double[] { 0,-v,0, -v,7*v,-v, 0,-v,0 }; break; case "Emboss": filterArray = new double[] { -2,-1,0, -1,1,1, 0,1,2 }; break; case "Edge Detect": filterArray = new double[] { 0,1,0, 1,-4,1, 0,1,0 }; break; } for (int x = 1; x < w-1; x++) { for (int y = 1; y < h-1; y++) { double rNew = 0, gNew = 0, bNew = 0; int k = 0; int rgb, r, g, b; for (int j = y-1; j <= y+1; j++) { for (int i = x-1; i <= x+1; i++) { rgb = rgbArray[i + j*w]; r = (rgb >> 16) & 255; g = (rgb >> 8) & 255; b = rgb & 255; rNew += r*filterArray[k]; gNew += g*filterArray[k]; bNew += b*filterArray[k]; k++; } } r = (int)Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.abs(rNew))); g = (int)Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.abs(gNew))); b = (int)Math.round(Math.min(255, Math.abs(bNew))); rgb = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; OSC.setRGB(x, y, rgb); } } repaint(); } /** * Load an image from a file selected by the user. The image is scaled to * exactly fill the panel, possibly changing the aspect ratio. */ private void loadImageFile() { JFileChooser fileDialog; fileDialog = new JFileChooser(); fileDialog.setSelectedFile(null); int option = fileDialog.showOpenDialog(this); if (option != JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return; // User canceled or clicked the dialog's close box. File selectedFile = fileDialog.getSelectedFile(); FileInputStream stream; try { stream = new FileInputStream(selectedFile); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Sorry, but an error occurred while trying to open the file:\n" + e); return; } try { BufferedImage image =; if (image == null) throw new Exception("File does not contain a recognized image format."); Graphics g = OSC.createGraphics(); g.drawImage(image,0,0,OSC.getWidth(),OSC.getHeight(),null); g.dispose(); repaint(); saveLoadedImage = image; // Keep a copy of the image so it can be reused with "Reload Image" command. reloadImageMenuItem.setEnabled(true); // Enable the "Reload Image command. } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "Sorry, but an error occurred while trying to read the image:\n" + e); } } /** * Create the menus for the program, and provide listeners to implement the menu commands. */ private JMenuBar getMenuBar() { JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); ActionListener flistener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { switch (evt.getActionCommand()) { case "Clear": OSG.setColor(Color.WHITE); OSG.fillRect(0,0,OSC.getWidth(),OSC.getHeight()); repaint(); break; case "Quit": System.exit(0); break; case "Load Image...": loadImageFile(); break; case "Reload Image": OSG.drawImage(saveLoadedImage,0,0,OSC.getWidth(),OSC.getHeight(),null); repaint(); } } }; JMenu file = new JMenu("File"); file.add( makeMenuItem("Clear",flistener) ); file.add( makeMenuItem("Load Image...",flistener)); reloadImageMenuItem = makeMenuItem("Reload Image",flistener); file.add(reloadImageMenuItem); reloadImageMenuItem.setEnabled(false); // Command will be enabled when an image is loaded. file.addSeparator(); file.add( makeMenuItem("Quit",flistener)); menuBar.add(file); ActionListener tlistener = new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { tool = evt.getActionCommand(); } }; JMenu tools = new JMenu("Tool"); tools.add( makeMenuItem("Sketch",tlistener) ); tools.add( makeMenuItem("Line",tlistener) ); tools.add( makeMenuItem("Rectangle",tlistener) ); tools.add( makeMenuItem("Oval",tlistener) ); tools.addSeparator(); tools.add( makeMenuItem("Smudge",tlistener) ); tools.add( makeMenuItem("Erase",tlistener) ); menuBar.add(tools); ActionListener clistener = new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (tool.equals("Smudge") || tool.equals("Erase")) tool = "Sketch"; switch (evt.getActionCommand()) { case "Black": color = Color.BLACK; return; case "Red": color = Color.RED; return; case "Green": color = Color.GREEN; return; case "Blue": color = Color.BLUE; return; case "Cyan": color = Color.CYAN; return; case "Magenta": color = Color.MAGENTA; return; case "Yellow": color = Color.YELLOW; return; case "Gray": color = Color.GRAY; return; case "Custom...": Color c = JColorChooser.showDialog( JavaPixelManipulation.this, "Select Drawing Color", color); if (c != null) { color = c; } } } }; JMenu colors = new JMenu("Color"); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Black",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Red",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Green",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Blue",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Cyan",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Yellow",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Magenta",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Gray",clistener) ); colors.add( makeMenuItem("Custom...",clistener) ); menuBar.add(colors); ActionListener wlistener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { int lineWidth = Integer.parseInt(evt.getActionCommand()); stroke = new BasicStroke(lineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); if (tool.equals("Smudge") || tool.equals("Erase")) tool = "Sketch"; } }; JMenu width = new JMenu("LineWidth"); width.add( makeMenuItem("1",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("2",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("3",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("5",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("7",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("10",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("15",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("20",wlistener) ); width.add( makeMenuItem("25",wlistener) ); menuBar.add(width); ActionListener filterlistener = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (evt.getActionCommand().startsWith("Blur 5")) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) applyFilter("Blur"); if (evt.getActionCommand().equals("Blur 5, Emboss")) applyFilter("Emboss"); } else { applyFilter(evt.getActionCommand()); } } }; JMenu filter = new JMenu("Filter"); filter.add( makeMenuItem("Blur", filterlistener) ); filter.add( makeMenuItem("Sharpen", filterlistener) ); filter.add( makeMenuItem("Emboss", filterlistener) ); filter.add( makeMenuItem("Edge Detect", filterlistener) ); filter.addSeparator(); filter.add( makeMenuItem("Blur 5 Times", filterlistener) ); filter.add( makeMenuItem("Blur 5, Emboss", filterlistener) ); menuBar.add(filter); return menuBar; } /** * Utility method used by getMenuBar to create menu items. */ private JMenuItem makeMenuItem(String itemName, ActionListener listener) { JMenuItem item = new JMenuItem(itemName); item.addActionListener(listener); return item; } }